Are there other stakeholders who might be more important to a company than its shareholders?

Download and read “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits” by Milton Friedman which is the basis for the ‘shareholder value theory’ that would dominate business and business school thinking from the 1970s into the new century. Do you think that Friedman’s argument is valid? Some things to consider: What is the […]

Briefly explain Friedman’s argument and then focus on the aspects of it that you are specifically criticizing.

Topic: Short Analytic Essay In an short essay of approximately 3 pages, develop one or two criticisms of Milton Friedman’s view that the “only” responsibility of business is to increase profits. You should feel free to briefly explain Friedman’s argument and then focus on the aspects of it that you are specifically criticizing. Do not […]

Is Inflation a Tax-Some Republicans Think So-Is it only republicans that think inflation is a tax?

Is Inflation a tax? Tax Notes, a key practitioner publication for tax professions, recently ran an article that was headlined “Is Inflation a Tax? Some Republicans Think So.” Is it only republicans that think inflation is a tax? First, what is inflation? Very broadly, inflation is when the general price level increases and things get […]

Describe -analyze proposed Law 1 applying each moral theory

Business Ethical Analysis Read the attached case describing an issue you face as a manager of Private Prison Corporation of America. Your supervisor has asked that you identify the issues involved in the case, analyze the options for the business and set forth an argument (not just your opinion) for the most appropriate course of […]