What conclusions does the parable make-How is Brown changed by his encounter in the forest, and what does that reveal about him and those with whom he will spend his life?

You must select one of the posted questions and respond with a substantive post which answers this question for the rest of the class. Posts should be between 200 and 300 words each. Your post should interact with the work(s) you are writing about through quote and analysis. Remember that this is a college-level course, […]

What is their current position on the issue? Are they open to pressure from within Government-Are they open to external pressure-if so, from whom?

Things to think about in your letter: Who do you write to? Ask yourself the below questions to help work out who you should be targeting. Who has the power to make the change you are seeking? What is their current position on the issue? Are they open to pressure from within Government? Are they […]

What happens if you change the trainee-staff ratio to the maximum allowed by the grant?

Job Training Program Budget This is a demonstration project, and the Minister is aware their original plan may be overly ambitious. Part of your job is to find ways to make this program work. Here are some possible changes that could be considered (you may suggest other proposals): What happens if you change the trainee-staff […]