What are some of the rating or point scales colleges use when using AA in admissions decisions?

What are the core categories that colleges use when determining AA criteria in admissions decisions?  Discuss arguments “For” and arguments “Against” AA in college admissions decisions.  What are some of the rating or point scales colleges use when using AA in admissions decisions?  Based on your research, and your own opinion, answer […]

Discuss Do racial/ethnic minority students cope with stress or use social support differently to other students? Do female students cope with stress or use social support differently to male students?

Log on to Chegg.com Read chapter 5 THE SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH, HEALING, AND ILLNESS For login details, please, contact the support team. Question for Chapter 5 Answer Discussion–Case.p. 136 The stress process as it relates to socioeconomic status, race, sexual orientation, and gender was discussed in this chapter. Think about social stress as it relates […]