Describe Gianna’s conversationalskills.In particular, is sheproviding contingent, non-contingent or imitative responses? Who is doing the topic initiations and how? And how is s/he repairing miscommunications?Provide and interpret examples.

MORPHO-SYNTACTIC DEVELOPMENT1.CalculateGianna’sMLU,sayinwhatstageofgrammaticaldevelopmentsheis,andwhetherthisisappropriateforherage.Giveexamplesofutteranceswithdifferentmorphemesandshowthatyoucancountthem.2.What type of sentencesdoes Giannaproduce? Are there more declaratives, negatives, or questions in the sample?Are there complex sentencesat all?DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE 3.Describe Gianna’s conversational skills.In particular, is she providing contingent, non-contingent or imitative responses? Who is doing the topic initiations and how? And how is s/he repairing miscommunications?Provide and interpret examples.4.Are there examples […]