Should Calvin prevail in a lawsuit against Boone for breach of warranty to recover damages for the loss in value? Explain.

QUESTIONS Mae contracted to sell one thousand bushels of wheat to Lloyd at $5 per bushel. Just before Mae was to deliver the wheat, Lloyd notified her that he would not receive or accept the wheat. Mae sold the wheat for $4.60 per bushel, the market price, and later sued Lloyd for the difference of […]

What are the most relevant concepts you have learned in this course? In the MSL program?

End the capstone course with the following: Throughout the course, we’ve applied the Four Frames to the University of Missouri (A) case. Recognizing that all four frames are useful as a lens for evaluating organizations, do you believe that any one of the four frames is more informative relative to our understanding of the University […]

What was the outcome in the lower court(s)? Who brought the appeal?

Topic: Coomer v. Kansas City Royals /Supreme Court of Missouri 437 S.W.3d 184 Cases Analysis Format Read and understand the case or question assigned. Show your Analysis and Reasoning and make it clear you understand the material. Be sure to incorporate the concepts of the chapter we are studying to show your reasoning. Dedicate at […]

Discuss whether the contract between Company X and Windows Bright is subject to the requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code Statute of Frauds.

Topic: BMGT 380 – Wk5 Activity Company X, a company in Illinois, contracted via the internet with Windows Bright, a small window washing business in Missouri, to purchase four cases of Shiny Lite window cleaning solution at $200 per case.  Company X paid via the internet with a company credit card, and an electronic contract […]

Describe changes in the economy as a result of improvements in transportation; factory work; banking and law. What were the risks involved in investing in the money market?

Answer the follow questions. 1 Write a brief paragraph in which you describe the differences of opinion among the regions of the United States over the issues of the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812 and the entry of Missouri as a new state. Are there any patterns? If so, any reasoning behind them? Why […]