Define how the project will be measured and include at least three key EVM metrics that will be used to determine progress and performance success.

Project Proposal: Execution, Control, and Closure Overview Now, it is time for you to discuss your project’s challenges (e.g., risks), performance management plan (e.g., earned value management), and proposed plan for closing the project when it is done. Instructions Write a 4–6 page paper in which you define the execution, control, and closure aspects of […]

Identifying mitigation strategies law enforcement agencies can take to reduce extremism in their organizations.

Crime, Justice and Cultural Struggles Identifying mitigation strategies law enforcement agencies can take to reduce extremism in their organizations. Detail all identified strategies, how they work, what they have been used for (or were proposed for), and why they should be applied to extremism within law enforcement organizations. All information must be cited.

Explain how Physical security of the data center on-premises will be implemented and the role they plan in risk assessment and risk mitigation as part of a general risk management strategy.

Explain how the following will be implemented and the role they plan in risk assessment and risk mitigation as part of a general risk management strategy. Physical security of the data center on-premises Encryption (data at rest, data in motion, data in use) Authentication (how will administrative credentials be used) Firewall (what are considerations for […]