How did upward mobilization, assimilation and education of Irish and Jews expand the definition of ‘white’?

Week 2 Discussion Watch professor Painter’s interview, The Expanding Definition of Whiteness and answer these questions. It is very important that you incorporate evidence from the course material into your post and use citations. Takaki reading attached to discussion instruction. Takaki, R. (2012). A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America (Revised Edition). […]

How did this change support the war effort?

World War II continued the trend towards “total” warfare that began in WWI. Modern technology and the sheer scale of troop mobilization meant that non-combatants could no longer remain safely behind the lines. All civilians, including women and children, experienced changes in their daily lives throughout the duration of the war. Choose an aspect of […]

How did this engagement with the community member motivate your work towards crime prevention?

Community Engagement/Mobilization Paper (750 words) Applying the concepts of community mobilization, partnership(s) and problem- oriented policing, and utilizing the principles of problem solving, this assignment tasks you to connect with a community member(s) that may know about local crime/social issue which could potentially impact community safety. This might include elders, city officials, clergy, teachers, community […]

Do the news sources that you read educate you on the sophisticated elements of democracy? Or, do the news sources tend to give the impression that democracy is equal to some “mythical will of the people”?

Essay L01 Additional Functions of Media in Democracy Additionally, this list of three primary functions is not fully exhaustive, and other scholars develop more detailed functions of the media in democracy. For instance, Schudson (2017) elaborates on a more detailed list of media functions: ⦁ Information ⦁ Investigation ⦁ Analysis ⦁ Social empathy ⦁ Public […]

What ways do you believe that sociological imagination has helped you see how personal problems are intertwined with the public issues of society of which we are a part? 

Kendall, Sociology in our Times: The Essential Chapter 15 (Population and Urbanization) Questions Explain three processes when measuring population change and use examples to illustrate each one. Explain the emergence of cities and the transition to preindustrial and industrial cities. Include the three preconditions required for the emergence of cities. Chapter 16 (Collective Behaviors, Social […]

Which of the eight activities for successful mobilization (Holbeche, 2018) must be included in your plan? Which of the four models of change (Cawsey et al., 2016) will best support your transformation?Discuss.

Write a 750 word supplement to assess continuous organizational improvement and sustainability within Starbucks organizational transformation plan. This supplement should contain the following additional elements: FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND ESP. THE ATTACHMENT 1. Define continuous improvement and sustainability in the context of your transformation plan. 2. Using the VRIO framework (Barney & Hesterley, 2015), which organizational […]