Did Biloxi Follow Its Own Policy in Banning “To Kill a Mockingbird”?

Case Study Assignment: Biloxi Bans “To Kill a Mockingbird” Read the following: (In Files) 1. Biloxi School District Pulls “To Kill a Mockingbird” From Eighth Grade Lesson Plan. 2. ACLU of Mississippi Defends Freedom to Read “To Kill a Mockingbird” After School Ban. 3. Did Biloxi Follow Its Own Policy in Banning “To Kill a […]

How might that statement be relevant to the literary works we’ve studied this term?

This is the question: André Maurois famously claimed that “’Lost Illusion’ is the undisclosed title of every novel.” How might that statement be relevant to the literary works we’ve studied this term? How does literature explore idealism, the cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, or goals? What does literature have to tell […]

Do you agree with the banned/challenged status-Explain-How might the contested material in your book affect children readers and our younger culture-What are the pros and cons of banning this book?

To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee This presentation is on the banned book : To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee What kind of historical childhood theories (Sacred Child, Child as Mini-Adult, etc.) are being portrayed in the book? Use specific examples and quotes from the text and our textbook to illustrate. What genre […]

What do you think your character’s ideologies are-What are his/her opinions about the other characters?

To Kill a Mockingbird Narrative NARRATIVE PREWRITING After you have selected your scene and your character, think about the following details to help you have a full understanding of your character. Personality: Consider his/her emotional state throughout the scene. Beliefs: What do you think your character’s ideologies are? What are his/her opinions about the other […]

How far are the approaches to prejudice and discrimination different in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Kite Runner?Discuss

My topic and research question: One of the major implications of society displayed in literature is the societal issues. Often authors use literature to explore the “ills” of society. My research question is “How far are the approaches to prejudice and discrimination different in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Kite Runner?”