Describe a conflict that you experienced while working within a team, what was the conflict and how was the conflict resolved?

Team Conflict Team conflicts are unavoidable and a reality in every team setting. Describe a conflict that you experienced while working within a team, what was the conflict and how was the conflict resolved? Select one concept from this module’s material and apply that concept to your example. If you do not have an example […]

How would you evaluate these marketing examples from a business perspective?

Discussion This discussion refers to the marketing examples posted in this module. Review the posted material and share your thoughts about at least three of the examples by submitting a comment of about 250 words. In your comment, also refer the following questions: What are your thoughts about marketing examples posted? Do you see positive […]

Do you agree with one of Overy’s arguments more than the others?

Based on the reasons provided in the overview, what is your assessment as to why the Allies won? Do you agree with one of Overy’s arguments more than the others? In your assessment, provide at least two cited examples from the conflict (from any of your readings, not just this module) that substantiate your argument.

How will a closer analysis of the author’s claim and the writing structure help you to learn more about your selected reading?

Prompt To prepare for this assignment, re-read ► your selected article and your notes from Module One. Note: Remember to cite any works you use in your assignment. You will not be graded on the citations; the purpose is just to make certain you are practicing using citations. Specifically, you must address the following rubric […]

How much literature as supportive evidence for conducting your study do you think is adequate?

Research & Summaries Prompt: Post a short discussion of your findings from the literature through this module. How much literature as supportive evidence for conducting your study do you think is adequate? Requirements: Threaded format-Your initial post should be 75-150 words. Each reply should be 100 words.  

Write a program critique analysis that critically examines a health or healthcare program intended to meet a specific health need.

4-2 Program Critique Assignment In this assignment, you will critique a health or healthcare program from the literature. Before you begin working on this assignment, please visit the module Resources section and explore the provided program critique reading resource. Then, analyze the resource requirements of the given program and provide justification for the inclusion or […]

What strategies did you learn from the videos and podcast in this module-How can you apply these strategies to a real business? Business Plan MIT Videos: Section 2, Part 1 – Marketing and Sales. What strategies did you learn from the videos and podcast in this module? How can you apply these strategies to a real business? Provide examples. Share at least one thing you found interesting and/or useful.