What are some of the factors involved in juvenile detention-What are the consequences of locking up juvenile offenders?

In this module, you watched the Frontline PBS episode Stickup Kid. For this essay, you will prepare a two page, double spaced typed essay that responds to the following questions: What are some of the factors involved in juvenile detention? What are the consequences of locking up juvenile offenders? What connections from this documentary can […]

Describe how exploring your research question improved your understanding of the historical roots of your current event.

Human Rights and Inequalities HIS 100 Module Five Activity Template: Historical Interpretations Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.  Describe how exploring your research question improved your understanding of the historical roots of your current event. Explain how biased perspectives influence what is known about both your historical and current events. Propose how the narrative about […]

Discuss the extent to which the adversarial system can be said to be a myth

Choose ONE of the following questions, to be answered in 1500 words Question A: “Discuss the extent to which the adversarial system can be said to be a myth”. In answering the question, you should draw on a range of aspects of the criminal justice system studied during the module. Question B: “Criminal justice is […]

Discuss your strengths-weaknesses-describe your plans for improving your overall profile.

Trusted Leadership Review pp. 145-155 in Belasen’s Women in Management [chapter 4] and use the Trusted Leadership survey to create your own profile (actual and desired using Excel spreadsheet). Discuss your strengths and weaknesses and describe your plans for improving your overall profile. What are the challenges associated with sustaining your desired profile? Are there […]

What ways might these skills help him-her deal with having a psychological disorder? How might it even prevent him-her from suffering from a psychological disorder?

Module 7 Consider what you’ve been learning about in this course: If someone is well-skilled and practices positive psychology and problem-focused, emotion-focused, and appraisal-focused coping, in what ways might these skills help him or her deal with having a psychological disorder? How might it even prevent him or her from suffering from a psychological disorder? […]

Identify concepts of the article that were a challenge to understand-Were there any that were harder to grasp than others?

Read the article Space Mining and Exploration: Facing a Pivotal Moment from the module resources section. Explain which steps for reading the article you found to be the easiest. Explain which steps you found most difficult in reading the article. Identify concepts of the article that were a challenge to understand. Were there any that […]

How have your information literacy skills changed as a result of the resources in this module?

Reflect on a time when you were biased about a topic. These can be hard to identify, so think of a time when it was difficult for you to reason with evidence that you were presented or the ideas another person had about that topic. How have your information literacy skills changed as a result […]

What are the current protocols and assessment practices used in your particular healthcare profession regarding fitness to practise protocols?

What are the current protocols and assessment practices used in your particular healthcare profession regarding fitness to practise protocols? From your professional experiences, and in the context of materials covered in this module, do current procedures achieve what they are supposed to? Why/why not?

Explain what you learned from each source you consulted-how the information connects to your research question.

Does the length of a hug matter List your initial research question(s). Write out your process – exactly, and step-by-step. (Yes, you’ll say: “The first thing I did to find information was to…) Explain what you learned from each source you consulted and how the information connects to your research question. Your initial research should […]