Who is believed to have commissioned the Mona Lisa?

Art History Instructions: After watching the videos and articles linked below, answer the following questions in a single document (.docx, .pdf etc).answer each question. High Renaissance in Italy 1) About Leonardo: a) Which different Renaissance rulers (in Italy and beyond) commissioned works from LdV? b) LdV was often referred to as the true “renaissance man.” […]

Are they the same medium-How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?

Art work to choose from ” Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, 1979-2005. Central Park, New York City.” ” Juan Gris, Portrait of Picasso, 1912. Oil on canvas. (Public Domain) ” ” Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503. Oil on wood panel. (Public Domain) ” Instructions This week you will use your readings from the past […]