What do Paine and Jefferson say about the monarchy in their respective documents?

Read Chapters 5 – 6. Pay special attention to the Common Sense excerpt in the Voices of Freedom box in Chapter 5. Also, read the Declaration of Independence in the Appendix of your textbook. You may use Chapter 5 as background material on Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson. Once all reading is complete, respond to […]

What was your previous knowledge of Hawaii’s history, particularly the Hawaiian Kingdom (if any)?

Hawaii – Historical Context Short Essay – 500 word minimum – Times New Roman or Calibri, double spaced. After reading “The Conquest of Hawaii” and “The Overthrow of the Monarchy” please respond to the following prompts: What was your previous knowledge of Hawaii’s history, particularly the Hawaiian Kingdom (if any)? What did you learn of […]

Discuss Would you consider the Restoration monarchy a strong government in France? Why or why not? What were some of the challenges the kings faced in the 1810s and 1820s?

Respond to the following question in at least 250 words, Would you consider the Restoration monarchy a strong government in France? Why or why not? What were some of the challenges the kings faced in the 1810s and 1820s? Do you see any continuing ideas or unsettled issues from the French Revolution in the Restoration? […]