Construct your two of your own versions of this sentence for your short story, writing the original sentence as an appendix to your story with endnotes indicated where you mirrored sentences appear.

1. Short Story Creation You will create a minimum four page short story that uses your “Mirror Criteria” and elements such as proper dialogue, inner monologue, sensory detail, and other showing vs. telling techniques. 2. Sentence Stealing You notice a complex sentence in your chosen short story and the way it is constructed is challenging, […]

What is a different way one could expose study participants to humorous information?

Study Critique: For this discussion board, provide a thoughtful critique of the creativity study you participated in for Lab • Did you like the way creativity was measured? Why or why not? • What is a different way one could measure (i.e., operationally define) the dependent variable of creativity? • Do you think watching the […]