Identify strengths and weaknesses of the specific measurement used to operationalize one of the key variables in about 50 to 100 words.

Mod 6: Choose a Paper to Critique Article: Morality in high definition: Emotion differentiation calibrates the influence of incidental disgust on moral judgments Article Link: Select a peer-reviewed journal article and describe its relevance to you personally or professionally in about 50 to 75 words. Describe the purpose of the peer-reviewed journal article in about 25 to 50 […]

What considerations do you use to tell whether someone’s action is selfish?

Communication Strategies Friedrich Nietzsche and the Attack on Morality What is your conception of the good life? What goals or principles are primary? What are the roles of success, wealth, freedom, and friendship? Are they ends or means? If they are means, how do they lead to the end in question? What qualities do you […]

Discuss your position on if, when, and how children should be given access to social media.

Social Media Use 5 of these theories to reflect on how each of these impacts, influences, and mitigates the use of and influence of social media during early and middle childhood development. Piaget Vygotsky Emotional Development: Self-Regulation Peer Relations: Play Foundations of Morality and Aggression: Social Learning Theory (Bandura) The Other Side of Morality: Development […]

Do some research and present an argument that women with more naturally occurring testosterone should or should not be banned from competing against other women.

Writer – answer all three topics A, B and C. Topic A: Female thinking? Doing some research (nothing more than 5 years old) and present an argument that women think differently than men (or that they do not) and that they process morality matters differently (or they do not). Topic B: Women, testosterone and sports […]

What do you think about this independence this call for becoming self-reliant, and self-dependent when it comes to knowledge, truth and, finally, morality itself?

What is “ethics” really about? COLLAPSE Let us recall that in the Euthyphro, Socrates asks for an “account” of why something is holy, pious, or moral. He does not, and cannot accept, an explanation in terms of just “whatever the gods love”, or whatever God tells you to do. For, if at the end of […]

What evidence is there that the Egyptians believed that they were judged after death?

Egyptian funerary mythology and the Book of the Dead With specific reference to the Book of the Dead, answer the following questions. Total word count is 1000, answers can vary in length as long as word count is reached. Questions: 1. How is the myth of Osiris reflected in Ancient Egyptian funerary ceremonies? 2. What […]

What were the two different “demands” that you were experiencing

Ethical dilemma Identify one real life example, from your own life, in which you faced an ethical dilemma-where you felt two competing ethical demands, and had to decide what action would be the most ethical action to take. Try to use Critchley’s language to describe what was happening to you. 1) What were the two […]