After Reading the article on evolution and morality, discuss something interesting you learned from it.

After Reading the article I’ve attach on evolution and morality, in a paragraph (at least), please discuss something interesting you learned from it. Please demonstrate that you understand the concept and why it’s interesting to you. FYI: only source you should use in writing this paragraph is the article itself. —————————————————————– Now in another paragraph […]

Compare and contrast the themes of death and morality in the short stories “The Story of an Hour” and “Hunters in the Snow”.

In this essay you are to compare and contrast the themes of death and morality in the short stories “The Story of an Hour” and “Hunters in the Snow”. Your essay should be typed in MLA format, include at least 1 qoute from each sort story, and include a Works Cited page. (3 pages).

What role does a personal sense of morality play in the course material you have studied so far? How does myth help shape an individual’s values?

Consider all that you have read and viewed so far this term – the readings, the course videos, and all of the other content – and then answer the following questions: Based on the course material, how “just” and/or “fair” is the world and the relationship that exists between man and god that is envisioned […]