Write a letter to your son and give him advice about how he can persevere through his difficulties.

Imagine that you are the speaker of the poem and that your son is facing a difficult time. Write a letter to your son and give him advice about how he can persevere through his difficulties. As the mother, refence specific words or phrases you used in the poem (give text evidence) and explain the […]

Do you think it is good for young women, especially those who participate in the culture, to know what women contributed?

“Mother of the Mic” – TWO LINKS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUu_5AWh18oLinks to an external site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5abzQ47WDJULinks to an external site. – Simply describe what you saw in the clips and how it struck you. Summarize the links you just saw. Anything surprise you? – How did women in the ’90s started to address misogyny in hip-hop? – We […]

Was conflict dealt with in a direct or indirect manner?

Recall as much as you can about your personal family history. Record your answers to the following questions as they apply to the conscious and unconscious learning that took place. It might be interesting to compare your answers to those of someone of a different culture. In general, would your family be classified as formal […]

Write as if your mother or roommate will be reading your answer:

Philosophy for living 6. Write as if your mother or roommate will be reading your answer: a. Really. Write as if your audience is not you, your classmates, or your professor (all of whom should be familiar with the material already). b. Rather, ask yourself if someone as smart as you – but without benefit […]

Is the correlation you obtained in cell A13 positive or negative?  State your result in cell A15.  Explain what it means in cell A16.

We would like learn about the correlation coefficient using Excel. Lets look at the following question. To find out how genetically related the cholesterol level is, they measured the cholesterol level of eight mothers and their daughters. They obtained the following data.   Mother Her daughter 157                           154 189                           150 201                           184 174                           170 159                           […]

Write about the relationships between the three women and their differing ideas of heritage.

Subject: English Topic: Alice Walker, “Everyday Use. Paper details: Alice Walker, “Everyday Use.” This story tells of a strong single African-American mother and her two very different daughters. Most students who read this story write about the relationships between the three women and their differing ideas of heritage.