Describe your interest-understanding of child welfare services-discuss what motivates you to pursue a career in public child welfare.

Title IV-E Essay Include a 2-3-page typed statement (double spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins) with this application form.Include your name on the response document. Describe your interest and understanding of child welfare services and discuss what motivates you to pursue a career in public child welfare. Explain what type of current or past work/volunteer/life experience(s) […]

What motivates students? Are there particular activities/lesson formats that appear to engage more students? What lessons or activities seem to be the least engaging for students?

Provide a 1-2 page summary of an idea or ideas you have for a final research project. This can be rather informal, but should include: * Specific research questions or ideas * Possible challenges you anticipate in being able to answer your research questions If you are having difficulty coming up with a research topic […]