If you are the manager in your current job, how could you apply those techniques in that environment?

Organizational behavior week -8 Activity -8 Think back to the job or activity that you found to be the most motivational in your life. Describe the aspects of the job that made it so exciting for you. What type, or types, of motivational techniques were used in that job or activity? If you are the […]

What was the hardest or most challengichong part of this week for you? Why?

Topic: Week 11 Discussion What Did You Learn? Provide 2-3 sentence response to the questions below. What are two things you learned about motivation that you didn’t know before? Which motivational strategy are you most likely to incorporate into your personal or professional life? What was the most interesting or useful thing you learned this […]

Explain the goals of motivational interviewing-Describe direct applications of motivational interviewing to a clinical situation in a health care setting.

Motivational Interviewing in Medical Social Work Provide a description of the major components of a motivational interview. Explain the goals of motivational interviewing. Describe direct applications of motivational interviewing to a clinical situation in a health care setting. Be specific and use examples or scenarios such as patient population or disease condition to illustrate your […]

Which treatment approached have been the most detrimental to the field of addiction-individuals with addictions-why?

Discussion Thread: Application Using Motivational Interviewing Concepts In general, would Motivational Interviewing be a good practice for her?If yes, give two or three examples from the narrative of why it would be helpful. If not, give two or three examples from the narrative of why it might not work with her. Finally, in a good […]

What product do you use that you would use regardless of the price?

Module 15 Discussion Answer the following questions: What product do you use that you would use regardless of the price?It is a high-tech stationary bike with touchscreen HD TV and made from steel. It is the cost of 2 week pay salary. Why? Because everyone is riding the electric Peleton bike virtually except for my grandparents and […]

Which motivational techniques can organizations use to ensure that employees follow safety procedures and use safety equipment?

Discussion 10: OHP This week we will be discussing accidents at work. Address the following in your post: Briefly explain an accident you have experienced or observed at work. If you haven’t experienced or observed any, find a news article that discusses a workplace accident. What could the organization or individual have done differently to […]