What is the relationship between the number of IMDB votes and the IMDB rating of a movie?

Use R for data analysis. Research Questions: Various factors impact the rating of the TOP 250 movies listed on IMDB. Some factors include movie ratings, IMDB voting, and the reviews left by those who watch the content. IMDB registered users can cast or leave a vote between 1 through ten for each movie within the […]

Discuss what you learned from the movie that you did not know before, general impressions, and how does what you saw influence your counseling work prospectively.

Reversing The Stigma Watch the NYS OASAS’ documentary “Reversing the Stigma” on YouTube. Here is the link for the https://youtu.be/UCylU15AkYo. Discuss what you learned from the movie that you did not know before, general impressions, and how does what you saw influence your counseling work prospectively. https://youtu.be/UCylU15AkYo

Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the subjective nature of reality.

Topic: Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the subjective nature of reality. This essay is supposed to be critical and really going deep into the ideas of subjective reality brought up in the film “The Matrix”. Add quotes and evidence/ support from the movie into the essay.

Write a SELECT statement to select the year and the total number of movies for that year.

Select number of movies grouped by year The Movie table has the following columns: ID – integer, primary key Title – variable-length string Genre – variable-length string RatingCode – variable-length string Year – integer Write a SELECT statement to select the year and the total number of movies for that year.  

Explain how each of the significant event(s) have impacted on the character’s development throughout their lifespan phase.

Aim: The aim of this task is to allow you to apply your understanding of the impact of significant life events (context) on lifespan development across the developmental domains (physical, cognitive and psychosocial). Task: Choose ONE of the movies listed below. Write a 2000 word essay which focuses on the significant event(s) in the character’s […]

Did anything that happened in this movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?

Topic: “Crip Camp” Film & Discussion Watch Crip Camp Film Discussion Board Questions What was your favorite part of the film? Why? What thoughts or feelings came to mind as you finished the film? Did anything that happened in this movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you […]