What example observations would be coping skills, defense mechanisms, communication styles, psych diagnosis with signs/symptoms family dysfunctions, and behaviors. How did it compare to your mental health learning experiences?Discuss

• After watching film, Infinitely Polar Bear (2015), describe what mental illness or illnesses were portrayed and if it was appropriate to the illness • Based on the accepted signs and symptoms of the condition. Analyze why you feel the changes were made or not made to the illness for purposes of the movie. Discuss how this […]

Describe the environmental laws or protections mentioned in the movie that infringe on the fracking process? What is the biggest risk – in your opinion and as described in the movie – posed by fracking on public welfare

On the list of very important Climate Change related moves, “Gasland” is an award winning documentary, by Josh Fox. This caps our week’s learning module on the Economics and Environomentalism. The movie is available from a couple of different locations, but can be streamed below. This assignment asks you to provide a written assessment of […]

Compare your character to a Greek god or goddess, or one of the Endless. Discuss the similarities you find between your character and the mythic archetype. As you compare, consider why these traits might be repeated in this modern form.

Please write a 1-2 page journal reflecting on the following prompt: Choose a fictional character from a story we haven’t read as part of the class. This may be a character from a movie, a television show, a short story, a comic, or a novel. Complete a basic analysis of your character determining their character […]

What medications or treatment would you expect the individual to be receiving based on the identified psychiatric condition observed?

Name of Movie: General summary of movie: Character description-describe primary character’s role & character development. Discuss how the disease effects the individual’s role/life. Discuss initial family dynamics, caregiver and/or family dynamic changes as a result of dealing with mental illness or addiction, struggles, shortcomings, strengths. How the disease effects the family. Psychiatric condition identified: Were […]

What is the historical background against which the movie is portrayed?

1.Name of the movie. 2.Date of release. 3.A brief review of the plot. 4.How does the movie begin and end? 5.What is the historical background against which the movie is portrayed? o Culture o Religion o Socio-economic conditions o Political structure 6.What does the movie teach about the events portrayed? 7.Is there a particular perspective […]