What are the 3 most important things that Ms. Jones should tell the judge at sentencing about Mr. Smith to aid in sentencing?

Unit 5 IP America Court System- Sentencing As an investigator with the Federal Public Defender’s Office, you are assisting Assistant Federal Defender Lilly Jones with gathering background information on offender Ben Smith, who pled guilty to distribution of a controlled substance (5 kilograms of cocaine). Mr. Smith is being sentenced next month. In a 2–3-page […]

What topics does the nurse need to include for Mr. Smith based on current medical recommendations?

Patient Teaching and Health Promotion Mr. Smith, a 57-year-old patient, presents at a health fair asking questions about the age-appropriate health maintenance and promotion considerations he should be concerned about. He stated that he only goes to his physician when he is sick and the last time he saw his physician was 2 years ago […]

What factors might you consider in supporting Mr. Smith’s self-care?

Case Study Analysis Journal – Mr. Smith Journal Prompt You are conducting an assessment with Mr. Smith 45 years old known Diabetic with visual impairment. You gathered information that reveals that he is homeless and spends nights in a local shelter. He is unable to comply with his diabetes medication or ensure adequate diet to […]