How do international politics impact the international community’s ability to effectively respond to the humanitarian crisis in Turkey and Syria earthquake?

Global studies On 6 February 2023, a very powerful earthquake struck southeast Turkey and northwest Syria. The area was already host to many refugees from the Syrian War. This earthquake has added a new global and international crisis to the area. Using the news articles below and the materials from the course, please explain: How […]

“Neoliberal policies have aggravated underdevelopment in the late 20’h century.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain the characteristics and impacts of neoliberal policies and justify your answer with reference to at least two relevant empirical examples drawn from the course material.

QUESTION 1 “Neoliberal policies have aggravated underdevelopment in the late 20’h century.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? Explain the characteristics and impacts of neoliberal policies and justify your answer with reference to at least two relevant empirical examples drawn from the course material. QUESTION 2 “Fair trade is […]