Describe in detail the components of the warm-up routine you will use to begin your class

Design exercise class As a group exercise instructor, it is your responsibility to design the classes you a muscle conditioning group exercise class. Describe in detail the components of the warm-up routine you will use to begin your class; list the exercises you will use in the workout routine, the equipment needed, and the […]

What does the restriction of an airway mean in relation to the flow of air. How does breathing rate and depth change in restricted airway. Refer to data.

Description We just need question number 5 answered. I’ve attached the lab, results and the rest of the completed questions for referencing. Q5. Restricting the airway produced changes in the rate and depth of breathing. Can you explain why in a restricted airway the depth and rate of breathing increases? Your answer should include a […]

What are the pros and cons of a meat-based protein diet vs a plant-based protein diet when it comes to muscle building?

Conduct a literature review to answer the question posed in Module 1A: Discussion (Question: What are the pros and cons of a meat-based protein diet vs a plant-based protein diet when it comes to muscle building?) Write a 3—4 page paper that summarizes the literature related to your topic and provides evidence-based recommendations. Your paper […]