Was this museum designed by a noted architect-Did the building reflect the art?

With the limited hours of museums during the Coronavirus pandemic, the Museum Assignment can now be a virtual visit. Choose a museum from any country in the world and write about what you have seen, what you liked, disliked, was surprised to see, and what you have learned. This assignment needs to be 3-5 pages […]

How did you feel, particularly while taking this courseWhat senses did this stimulate?

1. Museum Background and Visit Experience (25 points): This portion should be comprised of information about the museum you selected to visit. What was your personal experience of walking through the facility? How did you feel, particularly while taking this course? What senses did this stimulate? What works caught your eye? Also include a light […]

Who commissioned it-Does its current function differ from its original function?

Expectation for the Assignment: A map showing the city and locating the spaces which you will discuss in your presentation. (10 points) Two significant ART museums in that city: List and include images of the three most important artworks in each museum and discuss why they are important (this is subjective, but explain your choices). […]

Explain the relationship between human creative expression and the culture in which the work you selected was created using the insights you gained from studying it.

For the purposes of this assignment, imagine you are a researcher of human cultures, an anthropologist who is looking from the future back to our world today. In this position, you develop a natural curiosity about cultural works and how they represent a particular culture. You are also curious about how cultural works influence the […]

Describe two contributions this nurse made to the nursing profession including an explanation of how these two unique contributions influenced current nursing practice.

Nurse that historically contributed to the advancement of the profession. Describe the background of the nurse you selected. Discuss the major social issues occurring at the time this nurse lived. Describe two contributions this nurse made to the nursing profession including an explanation of how these two unique contributions influenced current nursing practice. You may […]

What kind of lighting is in the room?-Is there a skylight or any open windows?

A successful visual analysis answers questions like:Frick Boucher Room What is happening in this artwork? What is the first thing you notice about the artwork? What was its intended function? Is the artwork similar to an artwork you learned about in class? What is in the foreground? What is in the background? Discuss the formal […]

Discuss on a nation/culture that developed before 1500.Identify the place in detail and explain its significance to a particular culture at a specific time and must also discuss what if any of the original place remains and what is being preserved.

Students need to select a topic and submit that to the instructor who will recommend resources. Students can meet with the instructor to update progress or get additional guidance. Students have the following choices for the research project: a research paper on a nation/culture that developed before 1500 – If a nation is selected as […]

Analyze a disaster museum of your choice (9/11 memorial&museum).Put together a timed slide show, which will be viewed as a silent introductory presentation to a permanent exhibition.

Imagine that you are Curator of Public Programmes at a disaster museum of your choice (9/11 memorial&museum). Your brief is to put together a timed slide show, which will be viewed as a silent introductory presentation to a permanent exhibition. The presentation will play on a loop at the entrance. You have at your disposal: […]

What role do you think erotic art plays in human psychology and sexuality? Would you own and display a piece of erotic art in your home?Discuss

Write a 5-6 page, typed, double-spaced description of your thoughts about the museum. In the paper address the following: 1.What do you think about the museum collection? 2.What did you learn or what struck you the most about human sexuality by viewing the collection? 3.What piece or pieces did you like most and why? 4.What […]

Describe the content of the work of art as the artist intended it, and as you perceive it. What is this work about? What is the artist trying to communicate (if you can find that info) to you the viewer? What emotions is it trying to elicit? What do you think and feel when you view it? Is the work of arta comment, a criticism or glorification of the subject?

1.Write a brief history of the museum you chose to “visit”. 2.Analyze how the artwork is installed. What else is in the room? How is it organized? Why is this artwork placed with the others in the room? Describe the placement of the artwork that you chose. Is it hanging? On a pedestal? Aninstallation piece […]