Choose a specific music subculture, inform your reader on it, and argue for its value. What is the musical subculture—how is it defined? What value might this group provide for people who belong to it? What value might this group provide for the larger, mainstream culture it belongs to?

choose a specific music subculture, inform your reader on it, and argue for its value. What is the musical subculture—how is it defined? What value might this group provide for people who belong to it? What value might this group provide for the larger, mainstream culture it belongs to?

How credible is the resource? Is it peer reviewed? Where was it published? Is it current? Who is the author? What are their credentials?Discuss

Your annotated bibliography must include one paragraph for each source that covers: – A summary of the entire source that identifies that author’s claim and main pieces of support – An explanation of what type of resource it is: journal entry, book, article etc. – An evaluation of the information within the resource. How credible […]

Write the review as if you are a journalist or a music critic.Is the performer teclinitiilly proficient.? How vvas the stage presence? How was the audience reaction?

Write the review as if you are a journalist or a music critic. Tire essay s (__11c{ be s 5 -p’aragrap- h essay introTS paragra;hb-:;a conc.—Gil-on), Address the 7 musical elements and give your opinion of the per-torn:ine. Is the performer teclinitiilly proficient.? How vvas the stage presence? How was the audience reaction? Would you […]

Does music that degrades people in any one of these ways lead to people being mistreated in real life?Discuss

What interests me the most within this topic would be: why is it okay for men to sexualize women but it is not Okay when women decide to do the same to men? From the prompt the question that asks: Does music that degrades people in any one of these ways lead to people being […]

Discuss the origins of the instrument, who invented it and when, which instruments preceded it, how its design has evolved through time, examples of important recordings, master musicians of the instrument etc

Description Diagrams, photos, screenshots, YouTube videos, links to audio examples and good quality references should be included where appropriate to support and enhance the text. Explanation of history of the instrument [25 marks] • This section should include the origins of the instrument, who invented it and when, which instruments preceded it, how its design […]

What type of instrumentation was used and the type of music being performed?Discuss

You will choose concerts which are available through visual media (YouTube, etc). Music videos are not concerts. Write your papers based on a video of live players playing with other live players in real time. It is preferred that the concert be live streamed but at least the documentation of the the concert must portray […]

Write up your arts integration unit to span five days. It does not have to be a lesson plan. Explain what you will do on each day and weave the fine arts and classroom subjects together into a cohesive whole.

Description MU347 Final Exam Methods and Materials for Teaching Fine Arts in Elementary Schools Choose a movie as the starting point for the country, region, or culture to be discussed during the arts integration unit. Aladdin (Middle East) Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Ratatouille (France) Brave (Scotland) Coco (Mexico) Finding Nemo […]