What do you find most appealing about the music you have heard this week? If there some sense of familiarity when you hear any of this music? Are the melodies memorable? Catchy? What are your thoughts?

What do you find most appealing about the music you have heard this week? If there some sense of familiarity when you hear any of this music? Are the melodies memorable? Catchy? What are your thoughts?

Write a complete paragraph analysing Williams’s use of music, particularly the “Varsouviana” and the “blue piano” across the play. When are these musical pieces used? What is the effect? How do these connect to meaning?

Topic: s Due Nov 19 Write a complete paragraph analysing Williams’s use of music, particularly the “Varsouviana” and the “blue piano” across the play. When are these musical pieces used? What is the effect? How do these connect to meaning?

Create the linear notes for a box style (vinyl, CD, or music streaming) that features selected work by a particular artist, group, producer, writer, record label, genre (s), era, topic, style, instrument, etc. from 1950-2000

Description Create the linear notes for a box style (vinyl, CD, or music streaming) that features selected work by a particular artist, group, producer, writer, record label, genre (s), era, topic, style, instrument, etc. from 1950-2000

Demonstrate your understanding of how music reflects and takes part in African American life

Description Choose 5 H-H songs + read the chapter attached. Describe the chapter’s subject, Rose’s argument (as many sides of the argument as possible), ● Use hip hop song lyrics, sounds, origins, artists, relevant information to show how the song reflects the issue in the chapter, argument, or counterargument. ● Accomplish two things: ○ You […]

Write an essay that involves a list of 10 pieces of music that you listen to, and describe your experience with each piece and how it contributed or did not contribute to your identified health purpose.

Description Write an essay that involves a list of 10 pieces of music that you listen to, and describe your experience with each piece and how it contributed or did not contribute to your identified health purpose. Further assignment information is attached, with a sample essay. I prefer the musical pieces chosen are all english […]

Write about musical function using the theory we read about in the summary of Alan Merriam’s book (on Canvas as “Merriam’s Musical FunctionsPreview the document”) and which we’ve been using in class.

Description For this assignment, you will examine your own life using one of the core concepts from this course: musical function, as theorized by Alan MerriamPreview the document. Be sure to follow the instructions below and on the course syllabus. (Failure to follow instructions will result in a lowered grade.) The minimum length of this […]

Discuss something you learned related to music and wellness through a social justice lens or from a culture different than yours

Please provide the following in your initial paper. Use this to compare/contrast for your final individual reflection paper. 1. 2-3 pages length (cover page if applicable or reference page do NOT count towards this) 2. Times New Roman or Arial font 3. 12-size font 4. Double-spaced 6. Include your current definition of wellness and how […]

Discuss What did you find most interesting about Harnish’s article? What did you find most confusing about Harnish’s article? Or, what would you like to know more about?

make sure you have read the article by David Harnish, “Teletubbies in Paradise. please address the following questions: What did you find most interesting about Harnish’s article? What did you find most confusing about Harnish’s article? Or, what would you like to know more about? According to Harnish’s article, about when did gamelan gong kebyar […]

Based on Schoenberg’s comments, what do you think Schoenberg believed art’s responsibility was? Do you agree?Explain.

Schoenberg famously disliked Weill’s and Brecht’s music, saying that it showed “a lack of conscience” and “a disturbing lack of responsibility.” Based on Schoenberg’s comments, what do you think Schoenberg believed art’s responsibility was? Do you agree? Please don’t use work cited page