Select one song from your personal collection. It can come from any genre, style, country, or culture. Listen to it several times and write a 1-page prose description of its musical features.

In this assignment, you will gain experience recognizing and describing musical features in a musical example from around the world and music in your own life. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions below and on the course syllabus. (Failure to follow directions will result in a lowered grade.) The minimum length of this paper […]

What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs?

What kind of imagery is conveyed in the lyrics? What attitudes and behaviors are expressed in the lyrics? What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs? This question is optional. Are there any other observations you made about the two songs lyrics that relate to any […]

Which type of music (discussed in chapter 68) is used (Underscoring – source music – leitmotif) ? Explain why.

1. Embed a video that shows an excerpt of the film or video game (an excerpt that highlights the music). 2. Which type of music (discussed in chapter 68) is used (Underscoring – source music – leitmotif) ? Explain why. 3. Are there particular moments when you think the music is used most effectively? Describe […]

Describe what elements you have identified that you believe reflect the Puerto Rico culture and why? Or Why do you think music is so important to the people in Puerto Rico and to Puerto Ricans living in the United States?

Paper details: Read the Puerto Rican Music Document and for this assignment find a song that may have Puerto Rican influences. In a 250 post describe what elements you have identified that you believe reflect the Puerto Rico culture and why? Or Why do you think music is so important to the people in Puerto […]

What music period is this piece from. Explain. What is the genre of the music? Explain.

Please watch the video and answer the following questions in paragraphs NOT bullet or numbered points. Moscow City Symphony “Russian Philharmonic” Conductor — Michail Jurowski Moscow International House of Music, Svetlanov Hall June 20, 2012 Write an essay a minimum of 2 pages, 12pt Times New Roman, Double-spaced, 1″ margins all around. Please include the […]

How does nationalism play a role in Nineteenth century music?

How does nationalism play a role in Nineteenth century music? What constitutes a nation or an ethnic group? View the final scene of La Bohème . Explain the plot of the final scene. What made Luciano Pavarotti such a legendary performer? Support your position with articles, links, and/or videos.

How do those characteristics reflect the characteristics of Classical period music?

answer the following questions: a. How does Classical ballet differ from modern ballet? b. What are the characteristics of Classical period ballet? c. How do those characteristics reflect the characteristics of Classical period music? d. Is music still important to the middle class? e. Discuss the importance of music to the middle class of the […]

Discuss,Consider how popular culture race/ethnicity category impact different audiences. Use the social issue race/ethnicity, as a lens through which you examine the various cultures.

Discussion: Music, Fashion, Movies, and More Consider how popular culture race/ethnicity category impact different audiences. Use the social issue race/ethnicity, as a lens through which you examine the various cultures. For example, violence or race/ethnicity as expressed in television shows (episodic moving image), or movies, or fashion, or advertising.

Describe some of the incredible hardships Africans faced traveling against their will to America that you’ve learned. Unquestionably their journey was frightening beyond belief. Because they were not allowed to take possessions with them, how important do you think their musical traditions became to them on their journey? What did their music mean to them in a foreign land?

1. Describe some of the incredible hardships Africans faced traveling against their will to America that you’ve learned. Unquestionably their journey was frightening beyond belief. Because they were not allowed to take possessions with them, how important do you think their musical traditions became to them on their journey? What did their music mean to […]