Define ethnocentrism. Why does Barger say that we are all ethnocentric? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? If you do agree with this position, describe an instance when you felt like you were ethnocentric.

Subject: Music Topic: ETHNOCENTRISM Paper details: Define ethnocentrism. Why does Barger say that we are all ethnocentric? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? If you do agree with this position, describe an instance when you felt like you were ethnocentric.

Determine the historical impact of art on modern culture, society, and the workplace.

Competencies Determine the historical impact of art on modern culture, society, and the workplace. Identify the role of music, poetry, prose, and visual art in the modern world and workplace. Utilize art elements in real-world contexts and the workplace. Apply strategies for evaluating different art forms in various contexts. Explain how art contributes to problem […]

What was the importance of music to the nobility of the Baroque period? Are there parallels today?

For your initial post, provide these links and discuss the following: Why was Bach such an important composer? What was the importance of music to the nobility of the Baroque period? Are there parallels today? Explain the differences in style in the Baroque period. Find other examples of Baroque music (video or mp3).

Describe the two different paths that were established by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones,

Describe the two different paths that were established by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and how these two paths defined rock music and musicians for decades. Which of these paths do you personally prefer? Why? Who are some of the notable musicians that followed your preferred path?

What do you think caused this shift in jazz from popular to art music?Discuss.

Hi – need a paper Jazz music was America’s most popular radio and dance club genre from the 1920s–40s. In the 1950s, its popularity began to dwindle, even though respect for the genre steadily grew. Today, jazz music is considered to be the equal in artistry and complexity to classical music, and it has about […]

Dscuss how streaming music platform is mostly used by society in these days and the evidence by doing a research data from the link that i gave you on words document format.

the industry that i have chosen is spotify. the essay included discuss how streaming music platform is mostly used by society in these days and the evidence by doing a research data from the link that i gave you on words document format. i have gave you the format and the instruction on words document.

Analyze a media object (e.g. commercial, music video, film, television episode, magazine cover, website, etc.)

This assignment asks you to analyze a media object (e.g. commercial, music video, film, television episode, magazine cover, website, etc.) using theoretical tools inspired by class readings and discussions. In 5-6 pages you are expected to engage with course materials to date (readings, lectures, class discussions, screenings, etc.) by way of an original and critically […]