Examine the impact of digital media in contributing to and/or challenging a sense of urban placelessness.

the question of the essay is: Drawing on discussions around ideas of ‘non place’, critically examine the impact of digital media in contributing to and/or challenging a sense of urban ‘placelessness’. this essay also linked to the study of cities and places (or Anthropology of Supermodernity) through mediated cities, and the mix of media and […]

The effect of this artist’s music on Brazilian society.

You are to write a paper on the Brazilian artist, Anitta. A brief history of the genre and biography of the artist, Cultural/Social influences on the artist. The effect of this artist’s music on Brazilian society. A brief analysis of a song or songs that represent the genre or artist’s style. Be sure to quote […]

Discuss some of the wider political, cultural and societal factors that facilitated the emergence of a more vibrant compositional scene (classical music) in Ireland from the 1970s onwards.

Discuss some of the wider political, cultural and societal factors that facilitated the emergence of a more vibrant compositional scene (classical music) in Ireland from the 1970s on wards.