Choose a seminal event in the history of rock musicand describe the social andcultural implications of this event. In addition, provide a description of key players, musicians, and the setting. Defend why this is an important event and how it has impacted the history of rock musicand society from a holistic perspective.

Here in the Prompt/requirements: Choose a seminal event in the history of rock music and describe the social and cultural implications of this event. In addition, provide a description of key players, musicians, and the setting. Defend why this is an important event and how it has impacted the history of rock music and society […]

Examine one style of (African American influenced) music exclusively (blues, gospel, jazz, hip hop, etc.).

Two options: #1 You may examine one style of (African American influenced) music exclusively (blues, gospel, jazz, hip hop, etc.). If you choose this option I expect you to address the historical roots of the selected musical genre, identify some of its key innovators, and discuss its impact on American music. You also should identify […]

What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for?When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they?

-What instrument do they play? -Where and how did they get their start professionally? -What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for? -When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they? -What other well-known musicians did they perform or record with? -What song(s) and/or recordings are […]