Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds

All major mutual fund companies now offer a variety of internationally diversified mutual funds. The degree of international composition across funds, however, differs significantly. Use the Web sites listed below, and others of interest, to do the following: Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds Determine how international funds have been […]

Critically evaluate the role of credit rating agencies.

Lease financing. Explain the types of leasing. Discuss the advantages of lease financing. Explain the features of venture capital. Explain the types of factoring. What is FDI? Explain it. Discuss the functions of merchant banking. Critically evaluate the role of credit rating agencies. Enumerate the types of mutual funds.  

Explain investment banking house; commercial banks; financial services corporations

Define each of the following terms: Spot markets; futures markets Money markets; capital markets Primary markets; secondary markets Private markets; public markets Derivatives Investment banking house; commercial banks; financial services corporations Mutual funds; money market funds Physical location exchanges; over-the-counter market (OTC); dealer market Closely held corporation; publicly owned corporation Going public; initial public offering […]

Briefly differentiate between a commercial bank and a consumer finance company.

Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link. Briefly differentiate between a commercial bank and a consumer finance company. What is the most significant difference between these two? Identify one […]