How does Irving incorporate at least three of the above characteristics into Rip Van Winkle?

Assignment Instructions As you have learned, the stories that make up a nation mythology share several characteristics: • They are set in the past, often in remote or exciting places and times. • They are filled with remarkable, strange, or exaggerated characters. • They feature incredible, heroic, impressive, magical, or mysterious events and their consequences. […]

Discuss the purpose of mythology and rituals, both in contemporary society and in ancient times.

Be detailed, and put as much information as possible. FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS Course Objectives: CO1: Explain what myth and ritual are and are not and compare myths to other “stories” such as legends and folktales. CO2: Discuss the purpose of mythology and rituals, both in contemporary society and in ancient times. CO3: Discuss universal characteristics […]

Discuss the cultural value of vengeance that the ancients wish us to understand. Finally, conclude if the ancient view of the outcomes from vengeance is applicable to the outcomes of acts of vengeance today.

Assignment: Instead of writing an essay about a single myth and selecting quotes from the reading, you will write about two (2) of the quotes below. Reflect on the cultural values and universal lessons found in the myths selected for this unit. Choose one of the options below and write a short essay. Specifications: Write […]

What does this myth tell you about its culture and its corresponding values?

Myth Analysis- Persephone and Demeter The course is a Ancient Religions “myth and rituals” class Instructions Course Objectives: CO1: Explain what myth and ritual are and are not and compare myths to other “stories” such as legends and folktales. CO2: Discuss the purpose of mythology and rituals, both in contemporary society and in ancient times. […]

Do you thin there is a meaning behind the mythology of the divinatory calendar that transcends religion?

Read the pdf file and answer the following question. (Do not go over 200 words) Reading: Question: Frida Kahlo frequently embedded her paintings with rich Nahuatl logographic script and Aztec calendrical symbolism. Yet Deffebach underlines the strict Marxist materialist rationalism she espouses in her diary. Do you thin there is a meaning behind the […]

How can fiction, mythology, poetry, and other non-historical sources be useful to a historian? What are some problems with using these types of sources?Describe.

1.) Read the primary source: “Boccaccio” (Attached in additional materials) 2.) Evaluate the primary source by answering the following questions in two or three paragraphs: Who wrote this text? Who was the author’s intended audience? What was his purpose in writing the text? Think about audience and genre. What does this text tell you about […]

What roles do these type of language play in the four functions of mythology? Why are they important from a mythological standpoint?

“Psychologist Rollo May in his book The Cry for Myth suggests that language without myth loses human warmth as well as the meanings and values that give personal significance to life. He says that human understanding comes from our ability to identify the subjective meaning of the language of others. Concrete language limits the possibilities; […]

Describe the impact you believe each story had on the culture and the people who produced it and explain which of the three stories you enjoyed the most. Remember to follow the CWI structure in your writing.

Once you have view the Joseph Campbell video and Course Video #1, you will need to read the three stories that have been provided for you: the Enuma Elish (Mesopotamian Creation Story); Odin and Ymir (Norse Creation Story); The Origin of Japan and Her People (Japanese Creation Story); and The Buffalo Wife (Blackfoot Myth). After […]