What changes would you recommend that Meltos Co. make to their current learning and development provision to reduce costs and improve performance?

HR Management Read the case given below and answer the questions: Meltos Co.is one of the world’s largest bakery businesses with a significant market share in many of the world’s biggest bakery  markets, including many emerging markets. It has a long and proud tradition, stretching back more than 150 years, including a long history of […]

How effective is training in the organization you work for and mention a few methods being used for effective development?

MGT211 – H.R Management Assignmnet – 1 Read the case given below and answer the questions: Meltos Co.is one of the world’s largest bakery businesses with a significant market share in many of the world’s biggest bakery  markets, including many emerging markets. It has a long and proud tradition, stretching back more than 150 years, […]

Does the compensation system in the organization meet the general goals of a compensation system?

In the organization’s meeting today, Thamer’s newest topic is rewards and pay plans. He starts: “Marwa showed me the salary figures and records for everyone Kareem sends everyone but Thamer and Nabeel out to find more firewood and looks at Thamer. “No one but the four of us know how everyone is paid around here. […]