Describe your most significant experiences and achievements in school and work (volunteer or paid). Be sure to identify any strategies that you found helpful in overcoming any challenges that you encountered.

As part of your application for admission to the Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work, please address the five areas listed below (maximum 250 words for each response). These answers will be used both to assess your writing and critical thinking skills and to aid the Admissions Committee in making a decision about […]

Review the NASW Code of Ethics and the political perspectives discussed in Chapter 2, in 4-5 pages, identify your own value perspectives and articulate your own emerging perspectives on social welfare based on material covered in this course.

Review the NASW Code of Ethics and the political perspectives discussed in Chapter 2, in 4-5 pages, identify your own value perspectives and articulate your own emerging perspectives on social welfare based on material covered in this course. Essay should be in APA format and include no fewer than three-four citations and a reference list. […]