Explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation.

Why do companies go to the trouble of establishing operations abroad through foreign direct investment when two alternatives, exporting and licensing, are available to them for exploiting the profit opportunities in a foreign market? or why do so many companies prefer FDI over either exporting or licensing? Explain what determines the level of economic development […]

Consider what you know about border and coastal security and focus on three important issues, concerns, events, policies, or other Homeland Security related aspects and share your thoughts.

Consider what you know about border and coastal security and focus on three important issues, concerns, events, policies, or other Homeland Security related aspects and share your thoughts. For each, at a minimum, individually discuss What is it? Why is it important? How does it affect the security of our nation? Do we need to […]

Write a short response paper about The Birth of A Nation (1915) you need some sort of a argument or a central idea around which you base your essay on.

Topic: A birth of a nation Write a short response paper about The Birth of A Nation (1915) you need some sort of a argument or a central idea around which you base your essay on. how this movie came about. Who wrote it? What was it based on it? What era was it made? […]

What is your assessment of how democratic the nation is compared to other nations?

Choose a nation (anywhere in the world) so long as it is possible for you to gather the information you need about it and then write facts and analysis of it. Questions: Nation: Population: GDP: GDP per capita: Unemployment rate: Inflation rate: Official currency: What has the economic growth rate looked like over the past […]

What is the constraint/problem/friction in improving welfare of the people concerned?

Own choice Introduction: Why is the issue relevant from the perspective of a developing nation?2. What is the constraint/problem/friction in improving welfare of the people concerned?3. Description of the major features of the issues you are discussing. Providedata if available.4. Explanation of the problem.5. Are there any policy recommendations? If yes, describe them?6. Conclusion

Discuss what the shortcomings (limitations) of GDP as a measure of well-being-welfare of a nation are.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the broadest measure of output for an economy. However, GDP does not perfectly measure the well-being of a nation and its citizens’ welfare. Discuss what GDP is and what it measures. Discuss what the shortcomings (limitations) of GDP as a measure of well-being and welfare of a nation are.

Compare and contrast how Texas has handled the Coronavirus crisis to other states in the nation. What has the state done right or wrong compared to the other states? Is there a better way to handle this crisis? Why or why not?

First off this is for a government class, not english but government isn’t a subject option. Write a paper that has a fully developed 10 complete page research paper plus bibliography, that is well organized and utilizes your sources to reach your conclusion. Allow the research to guide you not your opinion. Your paper will […]

Identify and explain clearly the economic measures taken by the nation to address the crisis caused by COVID-19.

The major economic challenge facing one of the following nations due to COVID-19, and the main economic measures taking by the nation to tackle the crisis: 1) Canada 2) China 3) Germany 4) India 5) Japan 6) USA 1. Outline clearly the issues related to the major economic challenge of your chosen topic using at […]

Analyze the Great Recession of 2007–2009. In response to each post, discuss the consequences of the financial crisis. As Americans assessed the causes identified in your peers’ posts, what lessons did the nation take away from the crisis? How did America’s political and economic structures change afterward?

analyze the Great Recession of 2007–2009. In response to each post, discuss the consequences of the financial crisis. As Americans assessed the causes identified in your peers’ posts, what lessons did the nation take away from the crisis? How did America’s political and economic structures change afterward? Respond to each post separately. 1 paragraph for […]