How will the NCTC integrate this threat report into the USIC and draw on intelligence resources?

The National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) was created based on the recommendation by the 9/11 Commission, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in September 2001, in an effort to eliminate duplication and create a more effective way to organize and evaluate terrorism-related intelligence. According to the Commission, the NCTC should be the center for joint […]

What are your thoughts about how your Internet searches are stored, studied and used to filter what you see on the Net verses everyone else?

1. What are your thoughts on how technology is used and misused today? How might current technology be misused in the future? 2. Is added security worth it if it requires giving away some of your freedom? 3. Do citizens have a right to total privacy? Do they have a right to total security? 4. […]

Analyze the goals and objectives of the NSA / CSS and explain what you believe to be the most important goal / objective for the protection of national security interests.

Review the National Security Agency / Central Security Services (NSA / CSS) strategy located at Analyze the goals and objectives of the NSA / CSS and explain what you believe to be the most important goal / objective for the protection of national security interests. Support your answer. Find an article that supports how […]