Create an outline that organizes your thoughts and main points into a coherent speech.

CST110 Informative speech on culture Directions: 1: Pick a culture that you strongly identify with.(think about your nationality, your religion, the region where you grew up or organizations of which you are a member) 2:Bring in an object that represents that culture. you can create Powerpoint slides for the video. 3: Create an outline that […]

What is the method used by the acquiring firm to manage its culture after acquisition?

From real national/international market, choose an example of acquisition and answer the following questions: Briefly introduce your chosen firms, and partners of the acquisition (industry, nationality, size, market position…). Max 100 words Explain the different reasons for this acquisition. What is the method used by the acquiring firm to manage its culture after acquisition? underline […]

What do you know about the author, i.e. gender, class, nationality, occupation, religion,age, or political beliefs-How might this influence his-her opinions and/perspective?

Primary Source Analysis In analyzing your chosen source, you may want to ask the following questions of it:1. What kind of source is it, i.e. poster, film, letter, etc.? What, if anything, does theform of the source tell you?2. What do you know about the author, i.e. gender, class, nationality, occupation,religion,age, or political beliefs? How […]

What separates microagressions from the typical social faux pas in which someone says something we’d consider to be in bad taste?

Microagressions This week we examined the concept of ‘Microagressions,’ which can occur on the basis of race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and so on. At first blush, microaggressions might be seen as instances of one individual saying something to another that is offensive, to a greater or lessor extent. So in that sense, what separates […]