Show the work of the derivation and state what rules are used.

Problem 3. (12 points) (a) Distribute the quantifiers for the statement 3x (P(x)V -.Q(x)) so that all the quantifiers occur immediately before the predicates or the negation symbol. If distribution is not possible, briefly explain why. (b) Determine whether the two statements 3x(P(x) —> Q(x)) and 3xP(x) 3rQ(x) are equivalent. Explain. Problem 4. (10 points) […]

Discuss the developmental stages of Interrogation in English as first language

WRITE ABOUT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS. ILLUSTRATE YOUR ANSWER WHERE POSSIBLE. (10 MARKS) (ESSAY) the developmental stages of Interrogation in English as first language; the developmental stages of Negation in English as first language; the developmental stages of Negation in Qatari Dialect as first language; the developmental stages of Interrogation in Qatari Dialect as first language.