Explain the three ways (in detail) with which a firm can increase the likelihood of the projects being both technically and commercially successful.

QUESTIONS: Q1- ‘Technological innovation is thus the creation of new knowledge that is applied to practical problems. Sometimes this knowledge is applied to problems hastily’. In your own words, explain what can be the possible consequences of hasty application of technological innovation. Explain whether the benefits of technological innovation over power its drawbacks. (5 Marks, […]

How does the podcast relate to theories that we have discussed this week or in another week?

A $60 dollar tip will be provide Response Papers (2 pages each). It MUST contain in-text citations and references. Only one direct quote is allowed per paper. You should paraphrase material and cite it to support your ideas. 4 Week 13 (4/9 Sunday) Psychological Here go some podcasts you could choose from https://www.psychiatrypodcast.com/psychiatry-psych.. .https://www.psychiatrypodcast.com/psychiatry-psychotherapy-podcast/how-much-violence-is-due-to-mental-illness You […]

What are the four psychological reactions to anger-What are the three characteristics of anger?

Writing Question Differentiate between mild (facilitative) and intense (debilitative) emotions. When do our emotions begin to have negative effects? write 5 different paragraphs What are the four psychological reactions to anger? What are the three characteristics of anger? What are at least six do’s and don’ts to remember in the expression of anger?write 5 different […]

Do you think that your personality type and traits have a positive or a negative impact on your work relationship with others?

Personality and Values and Perception and Individual decision making As you learn more about personalities and traits, how would you describe your own personality? Do you think that your personality type and traits have a positive or a negative impact on your work relationship with others? How do you deal with individuals who may have […]

Discuss how you could work to incorporate it in your own leadership style.

From reading in this unit, choose one leadership or coaching style that you do not currently use, and discuss what you found to be intriguing. If the intriguing component is positive, discuss how you could work to incorporate it in your own leadership style. If the intriguing component is negative, explain what you found to […]

If you were assigned to sell a product called “Sweet Treats” with the slogan, “so sweet, it will make you tweet,” but you thought the product tasted sour, and not at all sweet, what would you do?

Answer the following four questions in its entirety: Celebrities often contract to endorse a product. Should they use the product regularly, or even like the product before they are allowed to claim that they “endorse” the product? If you were assigned to sell a product called “Sweet Treats” with the slogan, “so sweet, it will […]

Provide two examples where algorithms influence communication systems or platforms?

After reading the article (will be provided) answer the following questions only from the readings without any references talk in a persons point of view it is a discussion. Short Answers only, a paragraph or less. -Provide two examples where algorithms influence communication systems or platforms? -Do you think this influence is positive or negative? […]

Explain its Micro and Macro impact both positive and negative to our country.

Applied economics GOOD The purpose of this task is to reflect on what’s happening in our country that affects or has a big impact in our economy in terms of our resources of production (land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship). Explain its Micro and Macro impact both positive and negative to our country.