How has your nursing education better prepared you to be a future nurse leader?

what nursing leadership means to them, what type of nursing leader they aspire to be, and how their nursing education at Ambria College of Nursing has helped guide them. Purpose of the paper-to address the need; discuss in more detail how this essay will add to the knowledge base regarding nurse leadership Body: Identify what […]

Identify what leadership in nursing means to you -What is your definition of a leader?

What nursing leadership means to them, what type of nursing leader they aspire to be, and how their nursing education at Ambria College of Nursing has helped guide them. Introduction: Purpose of the paper-to address the need; discuss in more detail how this essay will add to the knowledge base regarding nurse leadership Body: Identify […]

Does social media have too much influence on American culture?

1) Select a topic to research that is of high interest to you. Some examples of possible topics include: Fast Food and our Society Media influences Celebrity Idols- Positive or Negative role models? Body Image in America 2) Create a research question from your selected topic. What do you want to know about this topic? […]

Explain the methods the leader could employ with the team to increase success.

Project Success-Conflict Resolution Analysis Provide a summary of the purpose of the project (company details not required). Analyze how team dynamics contributed to the projected failure. Explain the methods the leader could employ with the team to increase success. Analyze how team communication and conflict contributed to project failure. Explain the methods the leader could […]