Identify and describe a health promotion program theory or conceptual model.

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative Directions For this assignment, you will pick one recommended screening from the United States Preventive Task Force A and B Recommendations. An initiative is a project or event, so something in the community is ideal; workplace location for employees is also fine.include the following suggested level one headings, so […]

Do you see any value conflicts between the agency’s drug policy and social work values? If so, what are they?

Case Example One (25 points) As a case manager at the local Housing Authority office, you are responsible for helping low-income families gain access to safe, afford and when eligible, subsidized housing. Judy ;30-year-old sin, mother of two who has been on welfare assistance for three years. . u years, Judy and her family drifted […]

Describe the reasons for choosing a career in medicine with an emphasis in family practice with the intent of serving a local town or neighborhood as a physician and as an engaged member of the community.

Reasons for choosing a careen in medicine Describe the reasons for choosing a career in medicine with an emphasis in family practice with the intent of serving a local town or neighborhood as a physician and as an engaged member of the community.  

How prepared are you in the event of a disaster-Describe your level of disaster preparedness

Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment a. How would you prepare for the following situation? (provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival) (Scenario) At this moment, you are sitting at home working on your WCU class. Suddenly, the National Weather Bureau sends an alert across your cell phone a tornado is headed your way. […]

Define a workplace or community (neighborhood)problem persuasively and accurately.

Research Report to a Decision-maker Assignment Summary You must write a Research Report on the topic that you introduced in WA 1, the Proposal Memo, and for which you gathered and reported on and reviewed your research sources in WA 2, the Synthesis Literature Review. Your research report is the culmination of the work you […]

How would you recommend tackling those obstacles or constraints?

A young man has been stabbed and his hospitalised. He is 16 yrs old and lives with his grandmother in a less than desirable neighborhood. Write a report for you supervisor using the socio cutural perspective and the lens of the social determinants of health about his life situaltion leading up to the stabbing You […]

What location did you select and why did you select this location?

Sustainable Practices Lab Report This lab exercise is a further exploration of sustainability. For this exercise, you will be challenged to find ways to improve the sustainability of your own lifestyle. You won’t be required to aim for a Zero Carbon Footprint, but hopefully, you will see that there are small changes that you could […]

What are some of the benefits and challenges to providing housing for low-income residents in a gentrifying neighborhood?

Group Assignment 5: Land use planning, land use classification and processes in city development (Give the process that an urban area takes to acquire a City status). Urban sprawl – causes and impacts, urban decline – causes and impacts, urban renewal and regeneration – definition, factors considered that warrants urban renewal, urban renewal methods, Top-down […]

Identify an issue that you would like to address on a family, community or organizational level and write it above the Medicine Wheel.

Identify an issue that you would like to address on a family, community or organizational level and write it above the Medicine Wheel. This issue should be expressed in systemic, non-blaming terms. The issue may relate to colonization, but it doesn’t have to. Three examples: “We have difficulty communicating about issues related to power and […]

What are the implications of a child growing up in poverty?

Class discussion 1) Using the ecological-systems approach, discuss the impact of poverty on a child’s cognitive development. Give an example of an influence within each of the following four contexts: family, school/peers, neighborhood/community, and cultural values/economic policies. What are the implications of a child growing up in poverty?