How could the accident been avoided?  (If you view an informative safety video, be sure to provide the link in your discussion post.)

Topic: Module 4 Discussion: Evaluating Learning Effectiveness Near Death Experiences—Best of 2018 View the following video: Near Death Experiences—2018, and/or find examples of your own. Fail Force One. (2018, December 30). Near death experiences best of 2018[Video]. YouTube. First Post: Respond to the following: After viewing the above video and/or other safety accident videos […]

What are some of the family traditions known to almost all of the members of your family?

Family Information about Birth: Find out the date and place of birth and any interesting information relating to either the place of birth or any notable environmental features. Where were you born? Do you remember your first home? Neighborhood? Town? City? County? When did you move to your present home? Neighborhood? Town? City? County? Immigration/migration: […]

What human rights or injustice issues do you observe in your community-workplace?

Based on chapter 11, share your experience working with these groups from your community or neighborhood. Be sure to discuss the following questions in a written paper. What human rights or injustice issues do you observe in your community or workplace? What do you think your community or your State legislators should do about these […]

Do you agree with most readers that these eccentricities are actually among the poems’ greatest qualities? How does her eccentricity affect your reading of her poems? How does it invite you to engage with her ideas and her themes in a way that a more conventional form would not?Discuss

A word often associated with Emily Dickinson is “eccentric.” As we’ve learned, she almost never left her home for the last twenty years of her life. She attended her father’s funeral while hiding in her bedroom with the door cracked open so she could hear. She was known in her neighborhood as the “Woman in […]

Compose a proposal argument that convinces readers to take action to solve a problem or address an issue in your specific neighborhood, city, or surrounding area.

Compose a proposal argument that convinces readers to take action to solve a problem or address an issue in your specific neighborhood, city, or surrounding area. The paper can draw from your point of view about a change that needs to take place in your community and/or day-to-day life. The purpose of this paper is […]

Describe a scene between people. If important, feel free to write about buildings, topography, landscapes, characters that support your adjective.

Some tips: • Do not choose a state or city. Instead, focus on a neighborhood or area that best represents your adjective/thesis. • Don’t write an essay that contains only descriptions but no organizing main idea. • Make a paragraph about one example of your thesis. Then, move onto the next paragraph with a new […]