Describe the archaeological evidence related to the city you have selected.

RXRS-201 Alternative Assignment – Remote Antiquity Learning Objective Use course content to evaluate key aspects of early civilization and drug use in the historical context and summarize those findings. Assignment Description Select one of the cities from the remote antiquity list below. Review the class notes related to the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages of human […]

Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments. Compare and contrast specific examples of artifacts, practices, and systems of belief. Discuss why art survives or does not.

Description Distinguish between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods in terms of time and cultural developments. Compare and contrast specific examples of artifacts, practices, and systems of belief. Discuss why art survives or does not. Include the four reasons Getlein cites for how art survives, giving an example of art work from both the Paleolithic and […]

Discuss,Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution?

Unit Plan Outline Central Focus Narrative: Big Idea 1: Large scale farming from Neolithic times Big Idea 2: Shelter construction concept from Neolithic era How would agriculture be today if Neolithic revolution never happened? Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution? Did the Neolithic era have […]