What about that course are you looking forward to-What are you nervous about?

Next Step Requirement – Tell us what your next step is? In this discussion, tell us what the next course you plan to take is, and when you are planning to take it. What about that course are you looking forward to? What are you nervous about? Have you registered for it yet (why not […]

What was your impression of the event as a whole? Thought that the event was pretty cool and a great way for me to connect with business people and learn about their companies.

Career fair Reflection Use summaries from the career fair that is attached and the answers below to write a reflection of 200-word minimum. What was your impression of the event as a whole? Thought that the event was pretty cool and a great way for me to connect with business people and learn about their […]

Describe what resting membrane potential is and how it is established. Then, accurately describe the physiological process of the action potential in the neuron, be sure to include all steps (including rest). You are encouraged to use diagrams to support your explanation just be sure to refer to them closely within your explanations.

Neurophysiology – The Action Potential This topic is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the physiology of the nervous system. You are welcome to use the suggested headings provided here or include relevant subheadings of your own. To begin, provide a brief introduction to the body’s nervous system. This should include a […]

Describe which neurotransmitters and hormones could be impacted by the stress and coping methods that you have already described.

Many if not all college students experience stress in their lives. Describe a situation that you would consider a common source of stress for college students. Consider ways that students can try to minimize the negative consequences of this type of stress. Based on your learning about biological influences in psychology, consider how these influences […]