Describe some of the findings that support the link between prenatal exposure to male  hormones and aggression

Topic: chapter 7 paper The citation for the textbook is down below: Carver, C. S., & Scheier, M. F. (2017). Perspectives on personality (8th Ed.). Boston: Pearson. Chapter 7 Paper topics: How does Eysenck use activity occurring in the cerebral cortex to explain the difference between introverts and extraverts? BAS and BIS activity are thought […]

Briefly explain the synapse, the chemical communication of neurotransmitters, and the implications for mental disorders.

ASSIGNMENT 2 Instructions: use the available resources that the student has: books, magazines, internet.I. Develop a diagram of the basic neuroanatomy of the brain and at the bottom give some brief information about the implications for mental disorders. II. Develop a flow chart of the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system and briefly […]

Do you think it would be possible to invent a drug to help people get over a break up-Which chemicals would be affected in these situations?

Love If hormones and neurotransmitters are important for romantic emotions, maybe drugs could be created that would promote or inhibit the feeling of love. Would it be possible to create a “Love Potion Number 9”, like the song suggests? Is chocolate possibly a food that stimulates romance by tweaking our brain chemicals? Do you think […]

Provide a description of the steps in synaptic transmission-discuss function of two neurotransmitters.

Assignment Provide a description of the steps in synaptic transmission and discuss function of two neurotransmitters. After the video and reading the article on dopamine and antipsychotics discuss the existing relationship between dopamine and the medication to treat some particular psychiatric conditions What are the causes and symptoms of neglect syndrome?​ The emotional quality […]

What affect would each of these have on her blood pressure. Specifically, how would each of these factors influence blood pressure, list the neurotransmitters involved, the physiological principles involved, and any anatomical structures involved.

Case Study: Your patient has lost 50 pounds and started seeing a therapist for stress management. What affect would each of these have on her blood pressure. Specifically, how would each of these factors influence blood pressure, list the neurotransmitters involved, the physiological principles involved, and any anatomical structures involved.

Describe which neurotransmitters and hormones could be impacted by the stress and coping methods that you have already described.

Many if not all college students experience stress in their lives. Describe a situation that you would consider a common source of stress for college students. Consider ways that students can try to minimize the negative consequences of this type of stress. Based on your learning about biological influences in psychology, consider how these influences […]