Explain your reaction to the employer based on what you observe on their website (e.g., positive, negative, or neutral).

History of EMS in Houston Future employer: City of Houston EMS Assignment Content A review is a judgment or critique about the quality of something. For this assignment, you will create a written review in which you capture your reaction to a selected employer based on their website Your review will provide evidence or examples […]

How do children learn how women and men are supposed to behave?

This week you have a choice in the discussion prompt…only pick one of these to answer. Choice 1 Isn’t it interesting that there is an emphasis on “gender reveal” events for new parents now and at the same time a growing number of families are deciding to dress their children in gender neutral clothing and/or […]

Where will you live same family home, retirement community, part of the year in the north and part in a southern resort?

Think about your own retirement. In a 5 paragraph essay of at least 500 words, answer some or all of these questions: Do you expect to retire at a certain age? How much preplanning will you need to do? Do you expect to retire to a life of leisure, volunteer activity, new career, and so […]

Did watching the videos change or strengthen your opinion on the issue?

DATA ANALYTICS in the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Watch the following TED Talk https://www.ted.com/talks/anne_milgram_why_smart_statistics_are_the_key_to_fighting_crime?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare 2. Watch the following TEDx Talk https://youtu.be/p-82YeUPQh0 3. Find a 3d Ted/x talk that addresses the issue presented in the assigned TED/x talks- it can agree, disagree, or be neutral, but must consider the same issue (Benefits of the use of AI/Algorithms […]

How do parents and other adults reinforce gender roles? Explain.

As you learned in this chapter, socialization is a lifelong learning process that reoccurs as we enter different life stages such as adolescence or adulthood. Several factors influence the way that we are socialized, including gender socialization patterns. For this discussion, please respond to the following questions: 1) How does social media (or any media […]

Discuss how technology affects the way we view ourselves-our relationships with others, and draw a conclusion that evaluates whether these effects are positive, neutral-negative.

In Turkle’s “How computers change the way we think” and Taylor’s “Is Technology stealing our (self) identities” analyze how technology causes changes to our identities and social interactions. Using examples from both texts, discuss how technology affects the way we view ourselves and our relationships with others, and draw a conclusion that evaluates whether these […]

What does the POV reveal about the characters, their motives, emotions, personality traits, etc.?

English 1302, Paper 4: Research Paper and Analysis of Elements of Fiction QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER AS YOU THINK ABOUT THE ELEMENTS OF FICTION: What person POV are the stories told from? Reliable and objective or not? Neutral? What does the POV reveal about the characters, their motives, emotions, personality traits, etc.? How limited are the […]

How will you go about engaging stakeholders to adopt your proposal for change?

Week 7 Hawes discussion  In addition to being fiscally sound, cost neutral, or revenue producing, a new program/major change must fit with the organization’s philosophy, vision, mission, and strategic plan. Describe with specific example how your project fits in with your institution’s philosophy, vision, mission, and strategic plan. Drawing upon your knowledge of various change […]