Discuss the pathologic changes occurring during the development of active tuberculosis.

Ms. X, a 32-year-old Hispanic woman, has had a history of intermittent pleuritic chest pain and joint pain for the past several years. Recently, she went to her physician because she noticed that an erythematous, butterfly-shaped rash had appeared on her face. Further lab tests indicated protein in her urine. Her blood test indicated the […]

Discuss the innate and adaptive immune responses, including the roles of neutrophils, monocyte, macrophages, antigen, antibody,-B and T-cell mediated responses,

If I were a Virus Imagine yourself to be a virus and you need to establish infection in an organ of your choice. Discuss the innate and adaptive immune responses, including the roles of neutrophils, monocyte, macrophages, antigen, antibody, and B and T-cell mediated responses, that you will need to overcome along with their attributes […]

Discuss,The Biomedical Scientist in the laboratory looks at a peripheral blood film on this patient and comments on the presence of hypersegmented neutrophils. Explain why the presence of hypersegmented neutrophils is significant in this case.

A 63-year old woman presented to her GP complaining of tiredness and indigestion. When questioned about her general health, she said she had never had any problems, she had always been fit and healthy, but that she had been suffering fatigue for the last 6-12 months. She was eating a good, well-balanced diet and did […]