How does the topic promote the idea of positive coaching (Athlete First, Winning Second) and learning life lessons on the field of competition-life?

Pre-game Pep talks The student will write a 5-6 page paper using 12 pt don’t, Times New Roman and using double spacing. The student will discuss why the topic is important and why he or she chose the particular topic? How does the student plan to use this topic in his or her coaching? How […]

What are the ramifications on dissolving families from separating them at the border?

Research Question- What are the ramifications on dissolving families from separating them at the border? 1. Length: Your essay should be five to seven pages plus a cover/title sheet and a Cite page of your resources. 2. Font: 12 point Times New Roman, Aerial, or some similar font. Double spaced. 3. You will use at […]

Explain whether there some parts of the argument that are not supported by the evidence?

With the following instructions Assignment format and content: the report is to be in MLA format ,11 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins, and be broken down into the below-identified sections. 1. Citation: provide the full citation for the article in MLA format. 2. Research question: in your own words, explain what the author […]

Write a 6 paragraph summary of what you learned for a short essay on your research.

Assignment Instructions: Conduct internet research on social improvements in the late 19th century. For example, the student can carry out a small investigation on a topic or character related to social improvements at the end of the 19th century. After having concluded the investigation, the student must carry out an analysis and write a short […]

Explain the importance of ongoing curriculum evaluation, why it is important, and for whom it is important.

Create a 15 page curriculum evaluation that incorporates the curriculum analysis and course design you created for Assessments 1 and 2. You will use the work you completed for Assessments 1 and 2 as parts of this assessment. Combine Assessments 1 and 2, and add a section about curriculum evaluation. The evaluation you create should […]

Briefly explain how they support them and conclude with your personal assessment of the readings.

The response paper should include a concise summary of each assigned reading, it should put each author’s argument into your own words frequent quotations are discouraged and briefly explain how they support them and conclude with your personal assessment of the readings. If there are multiple readings for a given week, you need to incorporate […]

Write about whatever matters to you and make the statement a reflection of who you are as an employee or future employee.

Assignment Content Write a philosophy statement that reflects your attitude towards work.In writing your statement, you may want to consider some of the following issues: · What purpose does work serve? · Is work valuable as a means to a tangible end ex. money or does work have intrinsic value separate from money? · Do […]

What you think are the strongest parts of the draft and what you are struggling with Priorities for revising and things you want to work on

Paper (FIRST DRAFT PART) Read assignment instruction, finish first draft part Format: 5 pages, double-spaced, 1inch margins, Times New Roman 12-point font. Right at the beginning on the first page of the first draft, briefly answer these questions. This will help you organize your paper: What are you trying to do with the paper? What […]

Provide relevant background and rhetorical information about the text

the goal is to produce a summary and analysis of this first course theme text that demonstrates your ability to interpret and critically engage texts in sophisticated and academically-acceptable ways, and to generate critical questions that invite further inquiry into issues that the text raises.Here again is a more detailed breakdown of the requirements for […]