How fast was the ball traveling when it hit the ground? Show your work.

For the Short Answer Response: Kinematics Assignment and the Short Answer Response: Newton’s Law Assignment, you will reflect on what has been learned in this course by answering several physics related questions. You need to submit each of the responses during the appropriate module. I NSTRUCTIONS These assignments are open-book, but you should not search […]

How does healing differ today from New Testament healing-Does any relationship exist between sin and disease

Healing Today Type an essay in response to the following questions. Do necessary research to complete. 1. How does healing differ today from New Testament healing? 2. Does any relationship exist between sin and disease? 3. What is the value of “confessing your sins one to another”?

What biblical character in the New Testament would you say gives greatest evidence of the integration of business and mission/ministry in action?

Biblical Evidence of Integration of Business as Mission What biblical character in the New Testament would you say gives greatest evidence of the integration of business and mission/ministry in action? In their lives and actions, what application do you see of our development of a biblical-theological view of business and work from Unit #1 related […]

What sort of Christology does the New Testament present? What were the messianic expectations in Judaism of the time? What messiahs were expected?Explain

What sort of Christology does the New Testament present? What were the messianic expectations in Judaism of the time? What messiahs were expected? What sort of Christological understanding did Jesus have of himself? Did Jesus teach he was the Messiah? When did the disciples understand he was the Messiah? If so, which Messiah? Does Jesus […]