Write two full paragraphs promoting and reviewing the movie (Speedy) to an audience in New York in the 1920s.

Write two full paragraphs promoting and reviewing the movie (Speedy) to an audience in New York in the 1920s. This movie was made in New York so you could talk about watching a movie and looking at the various locations from the scenes you are familiar with. Your goal is to have as many New […]

Write a policy proposal that explains why this issue is important, how it impacts the lives of New Yorkers, and how you think this policy should be implemented. Include both sides of the issue and convince us that your ideas will provide the best improvement on existing programs or policies

In an essay, not to exceed 1000 words, identify and discuss one critical policy issue that you feel strongly about. Write a policy proposal that explains why this issue is important, how it impacts the lives of New Yorkers, and how you think this policy should be implemented. Include both sides of the issue and […]